Last Updated:
19/03/2024 - 13:24

Science Education

Prof. Dr. Jale Çakıroğlu

Office: EFA-112,  Phone: 0312 210 4051,  E-mail: jaleus[at]

Research Interests:

Teacher Education, Science Education, Nature of Science, Learning Environment, Teacher Efficacy Beliefs


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Engin Karahan

Office: EFA-204,  Phone: 0312 210 3686,  E-mail: enginka[at]

Research Interests:

STEM Education, Socioscientific Issues, Technology Integration, Teacher/Student Agency, Qualitative Research


Prof. Dr. Ceren Öztekin

Office: EFA-116,  Phone: 0312 210 4194,  E-mail: ceren[at]

Research Interests:

Conceptual Understanding, Epistemological Beliefs, Nature of Science, Environmental Education, Pedagogical Content Knowledge


Prof. Dr. Semra Sungur

Office: EFA-121,  Phone: 0312 210 4066,  E-mail: ssungur[at]

Research Interests:

Problem-Based Learning, Self-Regulation, Conceptual Change Approach, Misconceptions


Prof. Dr. Elvan Şahin

Office: EFA-110,  Phone: 0312 210 4089,  E-mail: selvan[at]

Research Interests:

Environmental Education, Education for Sustainability, Teacher Education


Prof. Dr. Gaye Teksöz

Office: EFA-119,  Phone: 0312 210 6411,  E-mail: gtuncer[at]

Research Interests:

Environmental Education, Education for Sustainability, Climate Change Education for Sustainability


Prof. Dr. Özgül Yılmaz-Tüzün

Office: EFA-111,  Phone: 0312 210 6414,  E-mail: ozgul[at]

Research Interests:

Teacher Education, Science Education, Socioscientific Issues, Environmental Education, Epistemological Beliefs, Self-Efficacy, Misconceptions


Mathematics Education

Prof. Dr. Didem Akyüz

Office: EFA-118,  Phone: 0312 210 4053,  E-mail: dakyuz[at]

Research Interests:

Technology in Mathematics Education; Teacher Practices, Beliefs, and Goals; Mathematics Teacher Education

Website: -

Prof. Dr. Safure Bulut

Office: EFA-217,  Phone: 0312 210 4058,  E-mail: sbulut[at]

Research Interests:



Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bülent Çetinkaya

Office: EFA-215,  Phone: 0312 210 3651,  E-mail: bcetinka[at]

Research Interests:

Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving, Mathematics Teacher Education, Teacher Noticing of Student Thinking, Teacher Beliefs, Personal Characteristics in Teaching and Learning


Prof. Dr. Ayhan Kürşat Erbaş

Office: EFA-218,  Phone: 0312 210 3652,  E-mail: erbas[at]

Research Interests:

Mathematics Education, Mathematical Modeling, Problem Solving, Mathematics Curriculum, Textbooks, International Comparative Studies, Algebra, Technology Integration, Mathematics Teachers, Teacher Education, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Qualitative Research, Quantitative Research, Mixed Methods


Prof. Dr. Mine Işıksal Bostan

Office: EFA-117,  Phone: 0312 210 6412,  E-mail: misiksal[at]

Research Interests:

Teacher Education, Technology in Mathematics Education, Affective Domain, Subject Matter Knowledge, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Teacher Noticing of Student Thinking


Assist. Prof. Dr. Işıl İşler Baykal

Office: EFA-212,  Phone: 0312 210 3659,  E-mail: iisler[at]

Research Interests:

Reasoning and proof, Early algebra, Algebra, and Teacher education


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sibel Kazak

Office: EFA-205,  Phone: 0312 210 6489,  E-mail: skazak[at]

Research Interests: Teaching and Learning of Statistics and Probability, Data Literacy and Statistical Reasoning, Data Science Education, Constructivism, Socio Cultural Theory, Dialogic Learning, Design-based Research, Teacher Education, Technology in Mathematics Education


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şerife Sevinç

Office: EFA-223,  Phone: 0312 210 7516,  E-mail: sserife[at]

Research Interests:

Teacher Education: Pre-service teacher education, Teachers’ mathematical content and pedagogical content knowledge, Teachers’ conceptions of mathematics teaching

Mathematics Education: Modeling in mathematics education, Algebraic reasoning, Reciprocal reasoning, Number sense, Mathematics in early grades, Realistic mathematics education

Research Methodology: Qualitative data visualization, Triangulation methods, Constructivist grounded theory, Research ethics and principles, Art-based research, Photo-elicitation method, CAQDAS


Prof. Dr. Behiye Ubuz

Office: EFA-216,  Phone: 0312 210 4062,  E-mail: ubuz[at]

Research Interests:



Physics Education

Prof. Dr. Ali Eryılmaz

Office: EFA-211,  Phone: 0312 210 4055,  E-mail: eryilmaz[at]

Research Interests:

Physics Education, Achievement Tests, Misconceptions, Misconception Tests, Teacher Education, Science Instruction, Science Curriculum, Inservice Teacher Training, Teacher Qualifications, Teaching Methods, Technology Integration


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ömer Faruk Özdemir

Office: EFA-221,  Phone: 0312 210 3691,  E-mail: ozdemir[at]

Research Interests:



Lect. Dr. Ufuk Yıldırım

Office: EFA-223,  Phone: 0312 210 4052,  E-mail: yufuk[at]

Research Interests:



Chemistry Education

Prof. Dr. Yezdan Boz

Office: EFA-219,  Phone: 0312 210 3688,  E-mail: yezdan[at]

Research Interests:

Chemistry Education, Teacher Education, Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Teaching Methods, Technology Uses in Education


Prof. Dr. Ömer Geban

Office: EFA-213,  Phone: 0312 210 4060,  E-mail: geban[at]

Research Interests:



Assist. Prof. Dr. Gökhan Öztürk

Office: EFA-216,  Phone: 0312 210 4063,  E-mail: gozturk[at]

Research Interests:



Prof. Dr. Esen Uzuntiryaki Kondakçı

Office: EFA-210,  Phone: 0312 210 4067  E-mail: esent[at]

Research Interests:

Chemistry Education, Self-Efficacy, Goal Orientation, Motivation, Self-Regulation, Cognitive Processes, Teacher Education
