Erasmus Criteria
Last Updated:
23/02/2024 - 14:36
Erasmus+ European Mobility Criteria:
- Erasmus+ European Mobility candidates (outgoing students) must have at least three elective courses in their curriculum that they have not taken yet. This criterion will be used as a red/green light criterion during the departmental evaluation.
- Erasmus+ European Mobility applications will be evaluated assuming only elective course credits can be transferred to their curriculum at METU unless the student proactively provides strong documentation from both parties (host university and METU) indicating the possibility of transferring credits for required courses. Students who will transfer credits for required courses are responsible for consulting with the course instructors at both universities, gathering the proof/rationale for the course equivalence (letters from instructors), and submitting this documentation to the Department's Erasmus Coordinator.
Things to remember during the Erasmus+ European Mobility application process:
- For your questions related to Erasmus+ Mobility, please first examine METU International Cooperations Office's website. Then, make an appointment with the Department Erasmus Coordinator Assoc. Prof. Dr. Şerife Sevinç for meeting and asking your questions.
- Please consult with the Erasmus Coordinator for the courses you may take at the host university. The Erasmus coordinator at your department is not eligible to decide which courses you will take at the host university.